Saturday, December 5, 2009

And standing?" "Yes I suppose so--and probably miserable. " "And rich Peter?" "I should have more than enough. " "Instead of being a village blacksmith--" "With just enough and absurdly happy and content " I added.

" The man extended a hand. "Let's have it. " Moonglum took a swig of the wine. "No I've changed my mind. It's too good to waste on common warriors. " "Is that so?" The warrior took several paces towards Moonglum. "We'll find out won't we? And maybe we'll mix some of your blood with it to give it flavour my little friend. " Moonglum.
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To be received where greater honour will be paid to her. " "In my church " said Huw humbly "I have never heard that the saints desired honour for themselves but rather to honour God rightly. So I do not presume to know what Saint Winifred's will may be in this matter. That you and your house should desire to honour her rightly that is another matter and very proper. But. . . . This blessed virgin lived out her miraculously restored life in this place and no other. Here she died for the second time and here is buried and even if my people have neglected her being human and faulty yet they always knew that she was here among them and at a pinch they could rely on her and for a Welsh saint I think that counts for much. Prince and bishop -- both of whom I reverence as I ought -- may not.
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