Saturday, December 5, 2009

Expenses" in his bill of costs must be something enormous. There are two moments in the course of his client's career that the stage lawyer particularly enjoys. The first is when the client comes unexpectedly.

To take a little frank talk to explain that. " "I'm not afraid of a little frank talk " Webber said. "I tend to kind of specialize in frank talk. " I said: "These cops that picked me up were parked in front of the house where George Talley's wife lives. They were there before I got there. George Talley is the man. who used to be a private detective down here. I wanted to see him. Degarmo knows.
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Were all splashing each other. He had not learned at once to swim as they did but had discovered the first time that he could do 5~mething they could not. He had simply gone down to the bottom and lain there immersed in quiet bliss~_~wbereUP0~~ they had hauled him out with such excitement that he had almost been forced to withdraw himself had it not been evident that they were concerned for his welfare. Later that day he had demonstrated the matter to Jubal remaining on the bottom for a delicious time and he had tried to teach it to his brother Jill . . . but she had become disturbed and he had desisted. It was his first clear realization that there were things that he could do that these new friends could not. He thought about it a long time trying to grok its fullness. Smith was happy; Harshaw.
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